
Why is it that some will struggle in life?  Let me introduce you to my husband Timmy!  He was born with PKD.  He did not do anything to deserve it – just stuck with it.  This wonderful kidney disease has no cure or treatment at this time.  This only thing he could look forward to was a kidney transplant.  That is the only cure for this crazy disease.

So instead of crying about it, he embraced this disease – as horrible as it is – each day ….

We live one day at a time!  That’s all you can do when you are stuck with not knowing what this disease will bring tomorrow.  Will his kidneys shut down before he can get a transplant?  Is he going to wake up today and end up in the hospital because he is in extreme pain?  Or will today be a normal day?  Now normal in his life still consists of daily back pain, swollen ankles, and nausea feeling.  Next time you want to complain about your day, think…. there are people that have it worse than you!  Instead of complaining each day about the “PKD Stuff” he is stuck with…. he lives life.  He goes to work each day (in pain and feeling crappy) and does his best!  Always!  This is how he has lived since he learned he had this disease when he was 18.  He learned all he could about this PKD and tried his best to stay healthy.

So my goal in the next 30 days is to raise awareness for PKD – help them find a treatment at least – if not a cure!

Here is a video that explains what PKD is

If you copy and paste it – you can learn about PKD!


7 thoughts on “Life!

  1. I love that you are getting your thoughts out about this crazy journey your family has been on! I look forward to reading your perspective, and learning more about PKD as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I always feel so ashamed when I read a story about someone who is dealing with incredible physical challenges and still carrying on as normally as they possibly can. I don’t say thank you for my good health nearly often enough. Thanks for making us aware of this disease. I look forward to reading more of your slices.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, Lisa! I didn’t know that was you. Welcome. Thanks for sharing your story! What a great reminder for anyone who faces a challenge- one day at a time!


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